my work

I've worked on various projects, from improving internal tools to integrating data sources. I've also solved complex issues and improved accessibility and testing. Additionally, I've contributed to our authentication library and collaborated with DevOps on integrations.


Software Engineer

Aug 2022 - Present

As a developer, I've had the pleasure of working on a variety of projects, from refining internal UI packages to integrating microservices and data sources for user and drug searches. I've also tackled some tricky issues, like solving critical OAuth problems with patient data sources and Microsoft Azure. When I'm not debugging, I enjoy improving accessibility on common UI libraries and raising test coverages on UI and backend components. I've also had the opportunity to work on new micro-products, collaborate with DevOps on Github CI/CD and Sonar integrations, and even refactor the Jest test setup to use the SWC compiler, which saved us a significant amount of time. Additionally, I've contributed to our internal authentication library, using Node and ExpressJS to add new features and keep things running smoothly. We shipped Optum Specialty Infusion Portal, Optum Specialty Portal, and the Standalone Optum Pharmacy Portal


Software Developer/Web Developer

Aug 2022 - Present

Planned out, implemented, and deployed different websites and software solutions for various different local and international clients. Some of these were my direct clients and some were under Agenix Digital

Shipped Fruit Warehouse PH, Lynova Wellness, Healwell Miami Beach, and AI Tools during this time.


Front-End Engineer

Mar 2022 - Aug 2022

Implemented a newer version of the legacy system (SIMS Dashboard) in React Typescript. Restructuring of data in database. Creating company's website from scratch with NextJS.

Small Business Solutions

Web Developer

Dec 2020 - Mar 2022

Created and maintained numerous websites with different functionalities and requirements for international clients. Utilized knowledge of web technologies to improve/fix existing problems within customers' websites.


Web Developer/Web Designer

Aug 2020 - Jun 2021

Created and maintained numerous websites with different functionalities and requirements for international clients. Utilized knowledge of web technologies to improve/fix existing problems within customers' websites.

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